Upcoming features from the June 4 patch
Tuesday 4th of June 2024

Janthir Wilds is coming but first we’re going to bash some dragons. Here are the new items, next update in 3 weeks.

I've also created a Janthir Wilds countdown page, see you in 77 days!



Item Description
Dragon Bash
[&CrgvAAA=] Holographic Dragon Cuisses (Heavy)
[&CtUvAAA=] Holographic Dragon Cuisses (Medium)
[&CuYvAAA=] Holographic Dragon Cuisses (Light)
[&CtwvAAA=] Whispering Serpents Pauldrons (Heavy)
[&CvQvAAA=] Whispering Serpents Pauldrons (Medium)
[&CuAvAAA=] Whispering Serpents Pauldrons (Light)
[&CsIvAAA=] Flowing Scaled Cape
[&AgGfjgEA] Mini Mystical Blue Orb
[no code] Janthir Caprine Warclaw Mount Pack
[&AgFxjgEAAA==] Striated Caprine Warclaw Skin
[&AgF1jgEAAA==] Charged Caprine Warclaw Skin
[&AgGmjgEAAA==] Highland Caprine Warclaw Skin
[&AgFNjgEAAA==] Secrets of the Obscure Expedition Contract
[&AgFPjgEAAA==] Disguised Umbrella Sword Skin
[&AgFfjgEAAA==] Luxury Speeder Skiff Skin
[&CsYvAAA=] Bonfire Axe
[&CtYvAAA=] Bonfire Torch
[&CvMvAAA=] Bonfire Longbow
Serpent's Wrath Skins
3271037_0131 Serpent's Wrath Weapon Skin Choice
[&CtovAAA=] Serpent's Wrath Axe
[&CtcvAAA=] Serpent's Wrath Dagger
[&CrkvAAA=] Serpent's Wrath Focus
[&CukvAAA=] Serpent's Wrath Greatsword
[&CtAvAAA=] Serpent's Wrath Hammer
[&Cr4vAAA=] Serpent's Wrath Longbow
[&CtkvAAA=] Serpent's Wrath Mace
[&CuEvAAA=] Serpent's Wrath Pistol
[&CsovAAA=] Serpent's Wrath Rifle
[&CugvAAA=] Serpent's Wrath Scepter
[&CskvAAA=] Serpent's Wrath Shield
[&CscvAAA=] Serpent's Wrath Short Bow
[&CvYvAAA=] Serpent's Wrath Spear
[&CuMvAAA=] Serpent's Wrath Staff
[&CsgvAAA=] Serpent's Wrath Sword
[&CvEvAAA=] Serpent's Wrath Torch
[&CtsvAAA=] Serpent's Wrath Warhorn
Sacred Crystal
3278667_0791 Sacred Crystal Chest
[&Cs8vAAA=] Sacred Crystal Axe
[&CtgvAAA=] Sacred Crystal Dagger
[&CtMvAAA=] Sacred Crystal Focus
[&CuwvAAA=] Sacred Crystal Greatsword
[&CsAvAAA=] Sacred Crystal Hammer
[&CsEvAAA=] Sacred Crystal Longbow
[&Cu0vAAA=] Sacred Crystal Mace
[&CrwvAAA=] Sacred Crystal Pistol
[&CvUvAAA=] Sacred Crystal Rifle
[&CvAvAAA=] Sacred Crystal Scepter
[&CucvAAA=] Sacred Crystal Shield
[&CvgvAAA=] Sacred Crystal Short Bow
[&CuIvAAA=] Sacred Crystal Spear
[&CtQvAAA=] Sacred Crystal Staff
[&Cu8vAAA=] Sacred Crystal Sword
[&CusvAAA=] Sacred Crystal Torch
[&CvIvAAA=] Sacred Crystal Warhorn
Chromatic Assassin
[&Cs0vAAA=] Chromatic Assassin Axe
[&CswvAAA=] Chromatic Assassin Dagger
[&Ct8vAAA=] Chromatic Assassin Focus
[&CuQvAAA=] Chromatic Assassin Greatsword
[&CssvAAA=] Chromatic Assassin Hammer
[&CsQvAAA=] Chromatic Assassin Longbow
[&CtEvAAA=] Chromatic Assassin Mace
[&CvcvAAA=] Chromatic Assassin Pistol
[&Cs4vAAA=] Chromatic Assassin Rifle
[&Ct4vAAA=] Chromatic Assassin Scepter
[&Cr8vAAA=] Chromatic Assassin Shield
[&CrovAAA=] Chromatic Assassin Short Bow
[&Ct0vAAA=] Chromatic Assassin Spear
[&CsUvAAA=] Chromatic Assassin Staff
[&CuovAAA=] Chromatic Assassin Sword
[&CuUvAAA=] Chromatic Assassin Torch
[&CtIvAAA=] Chromatic Assassin Warhorn
Janthir Wilds
3307448_0574 Janthir Wilds—Prepurchase
3307448_0591 Thank you for your purchase.
3307448_0607 This item cannot be used yet. Requires the Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds official release.
3307448_0609 Janthir Wilds—Ultimate
3307448_0611 Thank you for your purchase. You may need to restart your client in order to receive full benefits.
3307450_0826 Homesteader
3322891_0111 Pick up your spear, mount your warclaw, and journey to the Isle of Janthir to claim your homestead. Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds includes a fresh new story, a new raid and other challenging encounters, and a year of ongoing content updates.
[&CrsvAAA=] Eldritch Horror Havesting Tool
[&Cr0vAAA=] Eldritch Horror Mining Tool
[&Cu4vAAA=] Eldritch Horror Logging Tool